Iconic Photographer Photo Project

Elliot Erwitt is one of the most iconic photographers that stood out to me. He is known for his sense of humor that consists of ironic and satire images of events in his everyday life. Erwitt promotes comedy. I laughed at most of the photos he captured only because they are ironic images. I like how he travels to different places and manages to capture irony where ever he goes. I admire how his pictures display his sense of humor as a photographer. 

                                                             Examples of Erwitt's work

My photos inspired by his style

Image 1
This photo was taken at Managaha Island after I jumped off the dock. Who's pulling who?

Image 2

I took this photo in my car featuring my boyfriend's dog in the driver's seat. Driving me around as always.

Image 3

I took this photo at my house. My dog loves popping on the ocean.

Image 4

I took this photo of my friend Isaac Heo during AP Psych. He likes to think outside of his head. 

Image 5
I took this photo of my friend Jarren when he fell asleep on the chair. He looks so comfortable.


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